Achieving Success at Trade Shows with Brand Merchandise

Achieving Success at Trade Shows with Brand Merchandise

As entrepreneurs, innovation is our fuel, pushing us to stay ahead of the competition. In the business world, growth isn't just important—it's essential. Trade shows offer an exceptional opportunity to showcase our brands, connect with potential clients, and differentiate ourselves from the rest of the pack.

However, a successful trade show isn't something to leave to chance.

Converting booth visitors into loyal customers requires strategic planning, a smart marketing budget, and diligent follow-through. Using brand merchandise effectively is one of the most impactful ways to leave a lasting and positive impression on everyone who stops by your booth.

So, if you and your team are gearing up for a busy season of conferences and trade shows, read on to discover how your business can stay top-of-mind for each attendee.

Pre-Show Preparation

As with any good marketing strategy, knowing your audience and goal demographic is step numero uno. Without knowing who you are going to be talking to, you might as well just be handing out cash to every person who visits your booth.

If you know us here at Superior Ink Screen Printing Denver, CO you know that we are big believers in creating additional marketing budget with your branded merchandise. That is challenging to do in a trade show setting where potential customers can be sprinkled in amongst a sea of freebie seekers. But the key is to know who YOU are looking for.

Who is the target customer you are hoping to appeal to, and what is going to draw them to your booth?

This is a perfect time to do some market research about who is attending the conference or trade show, what they are there to learn, and where they are in their business journey.

From here, the ideas can start to flow, because you can now align your overall booth marketing strategy with just what your dream customer is looking for.

Have Clear Measurable Goals

Now that you know who you want to connect with at your trade show exhibit, now is the time to set some SMARTER goals. You know the ones:


Pinpoint your exact objectives for the trade show.

  • Example: Connect with 100 potential new clients who align with your target market.

Quantify your goals to track progress and success.

  • Example: Gather 150 high-quality leads, conduct 50 in-depth product demonstrations, and schedule 20 follow-up meetings.

Set realistic and attainable goals based on your resources and experience.

  • Example: Based on past trade show performances, aim to collect between 100-150 qualified leads.

Ensure your goals are aligned with your broader business and marketing strategies.

  • Example: Focus on engaging with clients from key industries that are integral to your growth plans (perfect time for strategic partnerships with ones who are also trying to appeal to your target market.

Define a clear timeframe for achieving your goals.

  • Example: Achieve all set targets within the three-day duration of the trade show.

Continuously assess and analyze the effectiveness of your strategies.

  • Example: Track lead collection progress daily, adjust tactics as necessary, and gather feedback from your team after the event.

Regularly review and refine your approach for continuous improvement.

  • Example: Post-event, evaluate the quality of leads and the success rate of follow-ups to optimize strategies for your next trade shows.

Make Your Trade-Show Booth Eye-Catching

What will draw people to your booth? If it's gray, your team is snarky, and in desperate need of caffeine, it's not going to do much for your brand reputation. And neither is having your team be reminiscent of perfume samplers at the mall just smiling and spraying every person that comes by with a cloud of free merch and nice hellos.

This is where your pre-show preparation really kicks into gear as you think about your booth as an experience. Your display should evoke a feeling...and since you've done your research you know what feeling your people want to feel. That could be excitement and enthusiasm building on the energy of the environment.

Or it could be peace and calm as your target market is full of stressed out, over-worked entrepreneurs that just got in on a red-eye and want nothing more than a nice hot doughnut and a free t-shirt that says "Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee" with a reference to your brand. Pretty soon you'll be a very popular booth with the not-morning crowd.

Whatever it is, decide on your booth theme, and think about how you will incorporate your brand identity. Once you've nailed down the experience of your booth, let your imagination run amuck.

Does it look like a virtual reality experience?

An interactive kiosk?

A demonstration of your product or service?

Or a grab-the-goodies-and-run booth?

Because each trade show is a unique experience, you and your team can pick a few possibilities and then test them to see what gets the desired interaction and helps you hit those SMARTER goals you set.

It's also where your branded merchandise and promotional products can start taking on a life of their own.

Selecting the Right Branded Merchandise

When it comes to choosing the best-branded merchandise for your trade show booth, the key is to select items that not only resonate with your audience but also reinforce your brand message. Here’s how to make sure your promotional items leave a lasting impression:

  • Understand Your Audience’s Preferences: Consider the preferences and interests of your target audience. Are they tech-savvy professionals, health-conscious individuals, or eco-friendly advocates? Tailoring your merchandise to their lifestyle and values can significantly increase its impact. Your brand awareness will skyrocket if people feel that your brand has the same values as they do.
  • Ensure Practicality and Usefulness: Opt for items that attendees will find genuinely useful in their everyday lives. Practical items like well-made t-shirts, reusable water bottles, and eco-friendly tote bags are often appreciated and kept for longer periods, keeping your brand top-of-mind and acting as advertisements whenever your new advocates use them.
  • Highlight Quality Over Quantity: While it might be tempting to order a large quantity of inexpensive items, higher-quality merchandise can make a stronger statement about your brand. A well-made, thoughtful item reflects positively on your business, suggesting reliability and attention to detail. According to Forbes, just 21% of branded and promotional items are kept for any length of time. More than half is given away and 23% is thrown away. If you want to keep your items in the top 21%, make sure you buy quality. Even if it's more expensive upfront, in the long run, it will benefit your brand and the planet more if you stick to quality.
  • Incorporate Your Brand’s Unique Identity: Your merchandise should be a seamless extension of your brand identity. Use your brand’s colors, logo, and tagline to create cohesive and visually appealing items. The goal is for attendees to immediately associate the merchandise with your company. It's also a great place to weave in some of the experience of the trade show and make it a part of the booth design. Great-looking branded merch deserves to be displayed, not flopped on a table like a yard sale discard. It can also help you cut down on the expense of your booth if you are using your merch in a dual-purpose way.
  • Think Outside the Box: Stand out by offering something unexpected or innovative. Custom-designed products that are unique to your brand can generate buzz and draw more visitors to your booth. Consider products that offer a fun or interactive element, such as a branded game or puzzle. A fun idea came to us from Nonprofit Bookkeeping, a bookkeeping firm that is known for #SuperFiNancy. She is an adorable little superhero that visitors are given and encouraged to make into a "where in the world is Super Fi Nancy?" People post from around the world with her in the picture, and it has become a huge success!
  • Sustainability Matters: With growing awareness of environmental issues, offering eco-friendly branded merchandise can set you apart and appeal to a broader audience. Products made from recycled materials, biodegradable items, or those that promote sustainability can enhance your brand’s reputation as socially responsible. If you know us, you know Superior Ink Screen Printing Denver, CO is based on honoring the planet that sustains us, and gives us the ability to create. We print with water-based ink on sustainable fabrics that are ethically sourced. This gives your merchandise everything it needs to be memorable, and enjoyed for years, and boosts your brand reputation.
  • Align with Event Themes: If the trade show has a specific theme or focus, align your merchandise with it. Making it useful for attendees can make you a life-saver at the show and a key exhibitor booth because you fill a need that trade show attendees have. For instance, if the event is business-focused, put together a networking survival kit with some mints, hand sanitizer, instant coffee packets, and a branded screen cleaner or glasses wipe. Think about the event, what the theme is, and then what would be helpful.
  • Customize for Personalization: Personalized items can make attendees feel special and valued. Simple additions like having a space for attendees to write their names on the merchandise, or offering items that can be customized on the spot, such as engraved pens or embroidered hats, can enhance the personal connection. Depending on the size of the show, this might take some extra effort to find what would work for a personal touch.
  • Include a Call-to-Action: Make sure your merchandise includes a call-to-action that encourages further engagement with your brand. This could be a QR code leading to a calendar link, a discount code for future purchases, or information about an upcoming webinar or product launch. Maybe it's a hidden code printed on your branded t-shirts that takes them to a special promotion on your website. Or it could be a promotion disguised as a value-add, such as a "free strategy session" that is a value-add relationship builder that will most likely lead to a closed deal.
  • Bundle with Informative Material: Pair your branded merchandise with informative materials about your products or services. This combination ensures that while attendees enjoy their new items, they also gain valuable insights into what your business has to offer. Make it simple. No one wants to read an essay about your company. Focus on the painpoints and how your product or service solves them. This goes back to knowing your audience. Why are they at the conference? What problems are they looking to solve? How do you help?

By thoughtfully selecting and presenting your branded merchandise, you can create a memorable and impactful presence at any trade show. But no trade show success is complete without the first impression of your team and the engagement of the booth visitors. Here are some top tips to make sure each person leaves your booth with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Engage and Interact with Booth Visitors

So, you’ve got your booth set up with eye-catching displays and top-notch branded merchandise, hooray! The next step is to ensure you’re engaging with visitors in a way that’s both memorable (in a good way!) and effective. Here’s how to turn curious attendees into enthusiastic leads:

1. Train Your Team

Your booth staff should be your brand ambassadors—knowledgeable, approachable, and ready to engage. Provide them with the necessary training to confidently discuss your products or services and address any questions or concerns. Equip them with elevator pitches and key talking points that align with your overall trade show strategy. But don't turn your team into a used-car salesman waiting to pounce on each visitor with a sales pitch. Make it an enjoyable experience for people to visit your booth. If it's a multi-day show, most likely they'll be back!

2. Create Interactive Experiences

People are more likely to remember your booth if they have a hands-on experience. Incorporate interactive elements like demos, VR experiences, or touchscreens that allow visitors to engage directly with your products or services. Interactive experiences not only attract attention but also give attendees a deeper understanding of what you offer. This ties back into making sure that your booth sets an experience as the goal.

3. Host Mini-Events

Draw people in by hosting mini-events at your booth. This could be a product demo, a Q&A session, or a live giveaway. Announce these events throughout the day to create anticipation and encourage more foot traffic to your booth. Anticipate times in the say that people are most likely to engage and give them a reason to visit your booth.

4. Collect Contact Information

Have a system in place to collect contact information from booth visitors. Whether it’s through a sign-up sheet, a business card drop, or a digital form, ensure you’re gathering leads that you can follow up with after the event. Offer an incentive, like a chance to win a prize, to encourage attendees to share their information. Helpful hint: Make them feel like they are excited for you to follow up. Leave them wanting more and give them value while they are at your booth. Make sure your booth doesn't feel like a sign-up sheet for spam (the junk mail, not the deli meat).

5. Use Social Media

Leverage the power of social media to amplify your trade show presence. Encourage visitors to share their experiences at your booth by creating a custom hashtag. Share live updates, photos, and videos from the event to engage with your online audience and draw more people to your booth. Talk about it on your socials before you go, and make sure you get that branded merch showcased across your channels. Who knows? That free merch may just become a revenue stream after all.

6. Follow Up Promptly

The trade show doesn’t end when you pack up your booth. The real work begins with your follow-up strategy. Reach out to the leads you collected within a few days of the event. Personalize your messages, referencing any specific conversations or interests they mentioned. This shows that you value their time and are genuinely interested in building a relationship. It's where leads become customers.

Analyze and Reflect

After the trade show, take the time to analyze your performance and reflect on what worked and what didn’t. This will help you improve your strategy for future events.

1. Evaluate Lead Quality

Assess the quality of the leads you gathered. How many of them fit your target customer profile? How many have converted into actual clients or meaningful connections? Use this information to refine your potential lead collection and engagement tactics. It also can help you determine if the demographic at this particular trade show is who you were hoping to connect with.

2. Gather Feedback from Your Team

Your team on the ground can provide valuable insights into what resonated with attendees and what didn’t. Hold a debrief meeting to discuss their observations and suggestions for improvement. This can be an open forum about what you will do differently next go-around.

3. Measure ROI

Calculate the return on investment for the trade show. Compare the costs of participating in the event (booth setup, travel, branded merchandise) against the leads generated and potential sales. This will help you determine the overall effectiveness of your trade show strategy. Use those SMARTER goals as your guide!

4. Identify Areas for Improvement

No matter how successful the event, there’s always room for improvement. Identify any areas where you could enhance your approach, whether it’s in your booth design, engagement tactics, or follow-up strategy. Then, rinse and repeat!

Elevate Your Trade Show Presence with Superior Ink Screen Printing

Ready to make your next trade show a resounding success? Superior Ink Screen Printing in Denver, CO, specializes in creating high-quality, impactful branded merchandise that resonates with your audience and reinforces your brand message. Contact us today to discuss your branded merchandise needs and discover how we can help you stand out at your next event. Let’s turn every trade show visitor into a loyal customer and make your brand unforgettable.

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